Crypto Outline
As of late 2021, B2B companies are resistant to accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment on the majority. According to a recent B2B payments research, only 32% of B2B company representatives show considerable interest in accepting cryptocurrency payments. That same study revealed 59% of B2B Companies are not open to cryptocurrency as a form of payment at all. Conversely, only 2% of those studied currently accept cryptocurrency. Within the survey data, there is an interesting group of companies that are open to accepting crypto at the right time (22%), not accepting crypto but intend to (7%), and those actively exploring the possibility of crypto payment acceptance (10%).
Whether it’s lower fees and faster payments or decentralization and an empowered global economy, the benefits to using crypto currency for B2B payments is beyond doubt. In the coming years, we'll see more and more businesses join the thousands of companies already transacting with crypto currency technology. With all the growth we're seeing in the industry, it will happen sooner than you might expect.
Businesses around the world are exploring the opportunities and benefits of using virtual currencies like Bitcoin for B2B transactions and even retail sales. From major corporations like Microsoft and national movie theater chains to local shops, restaurants, and food trucks, Bitcoin transactions offers savings over fees for credit card charges.

Paying with Crypto
Reasons for paying with Crypto Currency
Forms of crypto currency used
What is being purchased with Crypto (by them)
Do they foresee expanding use of Crypto
Accepting Crypto
Forms of crypto currency accepted
Third Party processors being used
What drove decision to accept Crypto
Will you continue to use Crypto
Only 2% of B2B firms have adopted crypto payments so far, while 59% indicated no intention of accepting it, one survey says.