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Filling the Pipeline

Rapid Innovation

PMG was asked to develop a fast paced product and service innovation process that would be utilized by their newly developed corporate innovation team. PMG developed an Outcome-Driven framework growing the number of opportunities in the new product pipeline approximately 150%, while increasing the potential revenue of the new product pipeline nearly 180%.

Additional Case Studies

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Customer Experience

A world leader in industrial packaging products and services, enlisted PMG's expertise in conducting customer satisfaction surveys to better understand 'The Voice of the Customer.' PMG's Customer Insight® approach resulted in a Performance Improvement Map of each individual customer with specific actionable recommendations to create new business opportunities. The client used the survey data and PMG's analysis conclusions to improve sales call effectiveness, which resulted in increased sales volumes of $3 million and ultimately improved market share.

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Market Attractiveness

PMG conducted a market analysis of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico to determine the best opportunity for geographic expansion of medical gloves in these Latin American markets. The analysis resulted in a market attractiveness model based on five key market criteria (market sizing, projected growth, competitive environment, and current trade relations) to determine which country presented the most favorable opportunity for market entry. As a result of the project, PMG's B2B Market Research project provided the client with a target market and marketing strategy to develop their new market opportunity plans.

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Growth Assessment

A global packaging company wished to understand the potential for packaging of products sold in the perimeter of grocery stores including fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and, deli and bakery. PMG designed and executed a large-scale research project identifying key trends and prioritizing specific opportunities for the client.

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Market Assessment

Through a phased B2B market research study, PMG was able to identify the value proposition for a company producing medical-grade plastic products for diagnostic reactants. The market research concluded several key observations including the distinct advantage of the company's product over glass and potential competitive producers of alternative products. Resulting from the study conclusions, the company pursued plans to introduce their product to the market with key insight into specific desired features and market needs.

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